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Disease Repair





Occasionally, a variety of diseases can affect your lawn.  CGM, Inc.'s goal is to help you have a healthy lawn which will naturally repel disease. 

This is accomplished by aeration, proper fertilization and a proper watering schedule. As a customer of CGM, Inc.,  you can count us to know  the condition of your lawn.  We will advise you if and when disease control measures are necessary.  Since most yards will not normally require this service and  in order to keep costs down for our customers, disease control is an "as needed" package.
It has been our experience that most healthy turf will outgrow most disease damage,  making it unnecessary to apply control products.    However, we are aware of the proper procedures for disease control products and try to minimize its use whenever possible.

You can count on CGM's  experience when applying disease control products to your yard.


Insects, especially fleas and ticks can be a major problem. These pests can be dangerous as well as just a nuisance, especially if you have pets.

Fleas and Ticks can be a major problem as discussed below: 


Fleas are very small, typically less than 1/16th of an inch long. These parasites, which live off a host by sucking blood, can spread to lawns from animals, typically cats and dogs. Fleas can also carry diseases. Flea eggs can be dormant for months and can be become active again. CGM can provide flea control for your lawn to provide the best possible protection.


Ticks are also a parasite but they are larger than fleas and can grow to about 1/4th of an inch. As with fleas, ticks can be spread to your lawn by animals.  Ticks can be particularly dangerous. Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever are just two of the diseases transmitted by ticks.   CGM can provide tick control for your lawn to provide the best possible protection.     

You can count on CGM to control these potentially dangerous insects. Call for a free estimate!

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Created by & Copyright © 2006 by www.cliffordsmall.com
Last modified: February 22, 2019